Discover Rezum: Innovation for the Enlarged Prostate

Discover Rezum: Innovation for the Enlarged Prostate

Innovative Treatment for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is a condition that primarily affects older men and is characterized by noncancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. As men age, it is common for the prostate gland to undergo gradual growth, which can put pressure on the urethra and lead to a number of uncomfortable urinary symptoms .

These symptoms, which include difficulty initiating the flow of urine, feeling of not completely emptying the bladder, Frequent need to urinate, especially at night (nocturia), and a weak or interrupted urine flow, can have a significant impact on the quality of life of men who experience them. In addition, BPH can also increase the risk of complications such as urinary tract infections and urinary retention.

Fortunately, there are a variety of treatment options available to address the symptoms of BPH and improve patients’ quality of life. One of these options is Rezum, an innovative treatment that offers an effective and safe alternative for relieving urinary problems associated with BPH. By using water vapor to reduce the size of the prostate gland, Rezum helps improve urine flow and relieve obstructive symptoms, allowing patients to regain control over their urological health and enjoy greater comfort in their daily lives.


What is Rezum?

The Rezum system has emerged as a revolutionary solution in the field of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), offering a cutting-edge and highly effective alternative to address the urinary problems associated with this condition. Through the use of water vapor, Rezum acts directly on the prostate gland, managing to reduce its size significantly and providing palpable relief to patients suffering from this condition.

This treatment is specially designed for men with a prostate volume equal to or greater than 30 cm3, covering both central and middle lobe hyperplasia of the prostate. The validity and efficacy of Rezum have been supported by its approval in the United States for the treatment of BPH for a period exceeding 4 years. In addition, its success is evident in the wide acceptance it has had worldwide, with more than 36,000 patients who have received this treatmentwith extremely satisfactory results.

The highlight of Rezum lies in its proven safety and efficacy . Emerging as a reliable and promising therapeutic option, this innovative approach offers real hope for those seeking relief from BPH symptoms. Its ability to substantially improve the quality of life of patients and its international recognition as a valuable tool in the management of this common urological condition, highlight its importance and relevance in the field of medicine.



  • Extremely safe intervention: Rezum offers a minimally invasive procedure with a very low risk of bleeding and complications. This gives patients peace of mind and makes them feel more confident undergoing treatment.
  • Alternative to Chronic Oral Medication: Rather than relying on oral medications long-term, Rezum offers a longer-lasting and more effective solution to address BPH symptoms. This can be especially beneficial for those who want to reduce their dependence on medication or experience unwanted side effects.
  • Progressive improvement of urinary symptoms: With Rezum, patients experience a gradual improvement in urinary symptoms, allowing them to regain comfort and normal bladder function. This progressive improvement contributes to a rapid recovery and reintegration into everyday life.
  • Local anesthesia or sedation: During the Rezum procedure, local anesthesia or sedation is used to minimize discomfort and discomfort. Not only does this make the experience more comfortable for patients, but it also helps avoid complications associated with other types of anesthesia.
  • Does not require hospitalization: Rezum is performed on an outpatient basis, which means there is no need for patients to stay in the hospital overnight. This allows them to return home the same day of the procedure and continue their recovery in a familiar and comfortable environment.
  • Short Surgical Time: Rezum’s procedure is quick and efficient, with most cases completed in less than 10 minutes. This short duration reduces patients’ discomfort and anxiety and allows them to return to their normal activities in no time.
  • Preservation of sexual function and ejaculation: Unlike some other treatment options for BPH, Rezum preserves sexual function and ejaculation in most cases. This is important for many patients who want to maintain their quality of sex life after treatment.


At Uros Associats, we understand the importance of finding effective and safe treatments for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). Rezum offers an innovative option that allows patients to regain their quality of life without compromising their sexual function. Find out how Rezum can help you regain your well-being today!

To schedule a consultation with our specialists, request your appointment online by
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