Barbara Romano Andrioni

Bárbara Romano Andrioni has a Certificate in Human Nutrition and Dietetics from CESNiD (UB) of Barcelona since 2005, Degree in Food Science and Technology (UAB) since 2009. He obtained the Master of Hospital Management and Health Services (UB) in 2019. She is currently studying the Master’s Degree in Digital Health (UOC).

He began his career at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, rotating through the various clinical specialties (Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Cardiology, Oncology, Pneumology, Nephrology, Urology, etc.) as a substitute until obtaining the current position. In addition, she worked as a dietitian-nutritionist for eight years in a Cardiac Rehabilitation Center in Barcelona (INSCOR) and for two years in the Associations of patients with kidney disease ALCER and ADER.

He has attended on multiple occasions congresses, conferences and courses of Clinical Nutrition, both as an assistant and, on some occasions, as a speaker.

ToShe is currently the reference Dietitian-Nutritionist of the Clinical Institute of Nephrology and Urology, participates in the Trimodal Prehabilitation project (Physiotherapy, Nutrition and Mindfulness for the preparation of the surgical patient) of the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona since 2011, Clinical Nutritionist in Barnaclínic since 2016 and Nutritionist specialized in nephro-urological patient in UROS Associats since 2020.
